2024 An Ontology-driven Method for Urban Building Energy Modeling Rui Ma , Qi Li , Botao Zhang , and 2 more authors Sustainable Cities and Society, 2024 Bib HTML @article{ma2024ontology, title = {An Ontology-driven Method for Urban Building Energy Modeling}, author = {Ma, Rui and Li, Qi and Zhang, Botao and Huang, Hao and Yang, Chendi}, journal = {Sustainable Cities and Society}, pages = {105394}, year = {2024}, publisher = {Elsevier}, } The effect of the perceptible built environment on pedestrians’ walking behaviors in commercial districts: Evidence from Hong Kong Chendi Yang , Siu Ming Lo , Rui Ma , and 1 more author Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2024 Bib HTML @article{yang2024effect, title = {The effect of the perceptible built environment on pedestrians’ walking behaviors in commercial districts: Evidence from Hong Kong}, author = {Yang, Chendi and Lo, Siu Ming and Ma, Rui and Fang, Hongqiang}, journal = {Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science}, volume = {51}, number = {2}, pages = {329--346}, year = {2024}, publisher = {SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England} } OSMsc: a framework for semantic 3D city modeling using OpenStreetMap Rui Ma , Jiayu Chen , Chendi Yang , and 1 more author International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2024 Bib HTML @article{ma2024osmsc, title = {OSMsc: a framework for semantic 3D city modeling using OpenStreetMap}, author = {Ma, Rui and Chen, Jiayu and Yang, Chendi and Li, Xin}, journal = {International Journal of Geographical Information Science}, volume = {38}, number = {1}, pages = {1--26}, year = {2024}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis} } 2023 Street characteristics and human activities in commercial districts: A clustering-based approach application for Shenzhen Chendi Yang , Rui Ma , Hongqiang Fang , and 2 more authors Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2023 Bib HTML @article{yang2023street, title = {Street characteristics and human activities in commercial districts: A clustering-based approach application for Shenzhen}, author = {Yang, Chendi and Ma, Rui and Fang, Hongqiang and Lo, Siu Ming and Lo, Jacqueline TY}, journal = {Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science}, pages = {23998083231224013}, year = {2023}, publisher = {Sage Publications Sage UK: London, England} } A tiled multi-city urban objects dataset for city-scale building energy simulation Rui Ma , Dongping Fang , Jiayu Chen , and 1 more author Scientific Data, 2023 Bib HTML @article{ma2023tiled, title = {A tiled multi-city urban objects dataset for city-scale building energy simulation}, author = {Ma, Rui and Fang, Dongping and Chen, Jiayu and Li, Xin}, journal = {Scientific Data}, volume = {10}, number = {1}, pages = {352}, year = {2023}, publisher = {Nature Publishing Group UK London} } A Method for Semantic City Modeling Rui Ma , Jiayu Chen , Chendi Yang , and 1 more author In International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference , 2023 Bib HTML @inproceedings{ma2023method, title = {A Method for Semantic City Modeling}, author = {Ma, Rui and Chen, Jiayu and Yang, Chendi and Li, Xin}, booktitle = {International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference}, pages = {903--912}, year = {2023}, organization = {Springer} } Enriching the Semantics of CityJSON Road Objects with OpenStreetMap Rui Ma , Chendi Yang , and Xin Li In GSCS & ICUI , 2023 Bib HTML @inproceedings{ma2023enriching, title = {Enriching the Semantics of CityJSON Road Objects with OpenStreetMap}, author = {Ma, Rui and Yang, Chendi and Li, Xin}, booktitle = {GSCS & ICUI}, year = {2023}, } 2022 Tuning urban microclimate: A morpho-patch approach for multi-scale building group energy simulation Rui Ma , Tao Wang , Yan Wang , and 1 more author Sustainable Cities and Society, 2022 Bib HTML @article{ma2022tuning, title = {Tuning urban microclimate: A morpho-patch approach for multi-scale building group energy simulation}, author = {Ma, Rui and Wang, Tao and Wang, Yan and Chen, Jiayu}, journal = {Sustainable Cities and Society}, volume = {76}, pages = {103516}, year = {2022}, publisher = {Elsevier} } 2021 An elastic urban morpho-blocks (EUM) modeling method for urban building morphological analysis and feature clustering Rui Ma , Xin Li , and Jiayu Chen Building and Environment, 2021 Bib HTML @article{ma2021elastic, title = {An elastic urban morpho-blocks (EUM) modeling method for urban building morphological analysis and feature clustering}, author = {Ma, Rui and Li, Xin and Chen, Jiayu}, journal = {Building and Environment}, volume = {192}, pages = {107646}, year = {2021}, publisher = {Elsevier} } 2020 Heuristic optimization for grid-interactive net-zero energy building design through the glowworm swarm algorithm Yongjun Sun , Rui Ma , Jiayu Chen , and 1 more author Energy and Buildings, 2020 Bib HTML @article{sun2020heuristic, title = {Heuristic optimization for grid-interactive net-zero energy building design through the glowworm swarm algorithm}, author = {Sun, Yongjun and Ma, Rui and Chen, Jiayu and Xu, Tao}, journal = {Energy and Buildings}, volume = {208}, pages = {109644}, year = {2020}, publisher = {Elsevier} } Modeling urban energy dynamics under clustered urban heat island effect with local-weather extended distributed adjacency blocks Rui Ma , Bin Ren , Dong Zhao , and 2 more authors Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020 Bib HTML @article{ma2020modeling, title = {Modeling urban energy dynamics under clustered urban heat island effect with local-weather extended distributed adjacency blocks}, author = {Ma, Rui and Ren, Bin and Zhao, Dong and Chen, Jiayu and Lu, Yujie}, journal = {Sustainable Cities and Society}, volume = {56}, pages = {102099}, year = {2020}, publisher = {Elsevier} } Distributed Adjacent Block Modeling (DAB): A Rapid Urban Building Energy Dynamics Simulation with Urban Building Digital Model Rui Ma , Jiayu Chen , and Xiaowei Luo In Construction Research Congress , 2020 Bib HTML @inproceedings{ma2020distributed, title = {Distributed Adjacent Block Modeling (DAB): A Rapid Urban Building Energy Dynamics Simulation with Urban Building Digital Model}, author = {Ma, Rui and Chen, Jiayu and Luo, Xiaowei}, booktitle = {Construction Research Congress}, pages = {60--68}, year = {2020}, organization = {American Society of Civil Engineers Reston, VA} } 2019 Modeling city-scale building energy dynamics through inter-connected distributed adjacency blocks Rui Ma , Chuanzhi Geng , Zhun Yu , and 2 more authors Energy and Buildings, 2019 Bib HTML @article{ma2019modeling, title = {Modeling city-scale building energy dynamics through inter-connected distributed adjacency blocks}, author = {Ma, Rui and Geng, Chuanzhi and Yu, Zhun and Chen, Jiayu and Luo, Xiaowei}, journal = {Energy and Buildings}, volume = {202}, pages = {109391}, year = {2019}, publisher = {Elsevier} } Simulating Urban Building Energy Dynamic with Inter-Building-Effects (Ibes) Linked Building Networks Rui Ma , Jiayu Chen , and Xiaowei Luo In International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate , 2019 Bib HTML @inproceedings{ma2019simulating, title = {Simulating Urban Building Energy Dynamic with Inter-Building-Effects (Ibes) Linked Building Networks}, author = {Ma, Rui and Chen, Jiayu and Luo, Xiaowei}, booktitle = {International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate}, pages = {1647--1654}, year = {2019}, organization = {Springer} }